Unable to do Orbi Router Setup? What we can do?

Orbi Router

Million of Orbi users around the globe face issues performing Orbi setup process. If you are also among those users, this article can be helpful to you. Yes, you read it true! Hence, stick to this 3-minute read and know how to get rid of Orbi router setup issues in minutes. Let’s get the ball rolling!

[Fixed] Can’t do Orbi Router Setup

There can be numerous reasons why you are having issues performing Orbi setup process. No worries! No matter whatever is the reason causing the issue – know that we are at your back. In the upcoming section – you will find the best hacks that will help you get rid of Orbi setup issues in no time. Keep reading!

Restart Your Orbi Router

Technical glitches are the topmost reason why you are struggling with Orbi setup issue. So, to get rid of this – what you have to do – restart or power cycle your Orbi. And, for this – what you have to do – unplug your Orbi – wait for 5-10 minutes – plug in back your Orbi, and try configuring it again.

Change Orbi’s Location

If the restarting hack doesn’t helped you, then you can try changing its present location. Look, the placement of the Orbi plays a very important role. And, who knows – changing the current location will help you configure Orbi.

While changing the Orbi’s location – kindly ensure that – you won’t place it away from the satellite, in corner, inside cabinet, or lower most area of your home. After relocating Orbi – try performing setup process again.

Sync Orbi and Satellite

Have you synced your Orbi and satellite? Not yet? If so, sync them right away. For syncing them – place them closer and then – press the sync button on your Orbi amd within a minute – press the sync button on the satellite.

After syncing them – you will see Orbi satellite blue light. It indicates that the syncing process between them is successful. Now, try performing the Orbi router setup process again.

Check Your Internet Connection

Maybe your internet connection is the culprit which is why you are having issues performing Orbi setup process. No worries! You must call your ISP – and if you find he is responsible for everything – you must ask him to fix the internet-related issue for you so that you can perform Orbi setup process in a successful manner.

Reset and Reconfigure Orbi Router

If the troubleshooting hacks listed above don’t seem to be helpful, then the only hack that can help you is resetting. The reason why we are suggesting you to execute the resetting process is that you haven’t performed the Orbi setup process correctly. And, being a newbie, mistakes in the Orbi setup process is normal. So, relax!

To reset your Orbi – press the reset button on it using a paper clip – hold it up for 10 seconds – release it – resync with the satellite, and try performing the Orbi setup process again.

Update Firmware

Regular firmware updates are very important if you want to keep the performance of your Orbi device up-to-the mark. Also, firmware updates are very important! It help in bugs fixing – enhance stability and functionality of the Orbi – improve internet speed, and much more. So, have a look at the given blog and know how to update Orbi firmware from the comfort of your home.

The last Words

Can we hope that the troubleshooting hacks we have listed here will help you get rid of Orbi setup issues? If yes, then you can connect your client devices in your home to the Orbi’s WiFi and enjoy the unbeatable Orbi’s WiFi range from any corner of your house. Now, allow us to wrap up our article.

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