3 Reasons Why Linksys Velop Keeps Dropping Connection


The seamless WiFi connectivity offered by a Linksys Velop mesh system is the most discussed things in the networking realm these days. No need to tell that all this happens because of nodes that are independent WiFi units but still works together to offer a reliable internet connection. However, there are various stances when a person is not able to make the most of his/her WiFi network because the Linksys Velop keeps dropping connection. If that is the case with you too, you are suggested to take a look at the techniques given here. Know that implementing some of them will require you to use the Linksys router login information. So, keep it handy.

Why Linksys Velop Keeps Dropping Connection?

  1. You’ve Placed the Nodes Incorrectly

The Velop mesh system will keep dropping the internet connection if any of the nodes present in it is placed incorrectly. May be you have kept one of the Velop nodes away from the parent node. There are also chances that some of the additional nodes are kept in a WiFi interference zone. No worries! Both problems can be resolved. First of all be very certain that all the child nodes or the secondary nodes are present in the range of the signals emitted by the primary one. However, you should avoid placing them too close.

As far as the WiFi interference is concerned, you should have a look at the surroundings of your Linksys nodes. None of them is supposed to be placed near microwave ovens, televisions, fish tanks, refrigerators, baby monitors, Bluetooth speakers, washing machines, etc. Do not make the mistake of placing your Velop node in a corner or near a reflexive surface. Metal objects should also be kept at a safe distance from the Velop node. The rooms chosen for Velop nodes placement should be properly ventilated.

  1. Glitch in the Mesh System

The Velop nodes might behave weirdly if there is a network glitch. A network glitch is most likely to ruin your internet experience in the present plus future. To avoid all this from happening, you should restart the entire mesh system. Unplug all the nodes one by one after powering them off. Wait for half an hour at least. Once done, power up all nodes after reconnecting them to their respective sockets. Try to reconnect your WiFi clients to the network of your Velop node. See if the problem related to the WiFi connectivity is still there.

  1. Outdated Firmware of the Velop Node

When the Velop mesh node runs on an outdated version of the firmware it is most likely to behave in this way and provide you with a spotty WiFi connection. Therefore, you should, without any delay, launch the Linksys Velop app on a phone connected to the WiFi network of your Linksys mesh system. After getting logged in, check if there is a firmware update available for the node that is dropping the internet connection.

Install the firmware version in case the node is demanding you to do that. You should wait for some time as the process will take at least 5 minutes.  You need to know that the node will reboot as a part of the firmware update process. Thus, do not interrupt the process. Also, ensure that you do not upgrade all the nodes at once. This is because updating them at once can create problems that cannot be resolved easily.

The Final Thoughts

A Velop keeps dropping the internet connection is not a new thing and the problem is not much big that you start worrying. All you need to do is update the firmware and adjust the node’s placement. However, a factory default will be needed if the hacks given here do not help you out. Remember that after that you can set up the primary node as secondary and vice versa.