Benefits of Cloud Management Services


Many businesses tend to overlook the benefits of Cloud Management Services (CMS) even though they are a critical component of modern-day cloud computing infrastructures. Listed here are only a few of the most critical benefits of AWS cloud management.

Enhanced Security

As a result of high-profile data breaches and severe reputational damage, the public cloud has been tarnished in the past. However, the public cloud is no less safe than an on-premises system when it comes to security. Not with the seller, as is commonly thought, but with the organisation that acquired this service.

A comprehensive CMS service performs pre-built checks for hundreds of crucial security issues on all workloads. An automatic reaction and notification to cloud-accredited professionals will be initiated when danger is detected, reducing the chance of harmful data breaches and enhancing security. Is moving to the cloud on your radar?

Huge Cost-cutting Opportunities

‘Cloud computing and ‘cost savings’ are synonymous. On-premises and private cloud architectures have traditionally been expensive to maintain, but the public cloud provides a cost-effective alternative if used correctly by large corporations and government agencies. However, if these financial benefits are not adequately managed, they might all but vanish. With little insight into consumption, in-house IT teams cannot effectively anticipate future demand and often end up paying for capacity that will never be reached, resulting in underutilised resources and wasted money.

An effective CMS provides a solution to these losses and uses accessible features such as heat maps and snapshots to give accurate insight into the previous usage of a website. It is now possible for IT teams to make more educated forecasting decisions – minimising waste, maximising utilisation, and frequently achieving savings of up to 30% – with this information at hand.

Simplified Compliance

Regulatory compliance is a necessary evil across various industries and business sectors. The rigorous nature of these mandates, which are meant to safeguard consumers and companies, sometimes results in substantial penalties, taxes, and remunerations being imposed when discovered non-compliance. A company’s compliance with government rules extends, in many cases, to any data kept or processed in a public cloud environment to avoid fines.

Monitoring public cloud settings against regulatory requirements, identifying, verifying, and resolving non-compliant workloads will be done by the best in class CMS providers. Additionally, this will aid in ensuring that data security best practices are adhered to, hence decreasing the risk of non-compliance and the associated fines.

A Better Sense of Direction & Control

Gartner expects that global spending on public cloud services will climb to $206.2 billion in 2019, up from $175.8 billion in 2018, making the public cloud an appealing proposition for business enterprises. However, public cloud solutions sometimes come with a loss of control and visibility. Managing and reporting on cloud services has become near-impossible for in-house teams with an ever-growing number of supplied services scattered across different geographic locations and with near-instant spin-up and shut down of resources. Furthermore, this lack of knowledge might lead to wasteful spending and increased security threats.

CMS captures and analyses use data in near real-time, offering in-depth reports to reveal how much service has been purchased, how much it costs, how often it is being utilised, and how it is watched for threats to regain power. As a result of this and other helpful information, organisations may better understand their cloud investment and take the necessary actions to protect and maximise it.

Expert Assistance and Guidance

There are many vendors of different proprietary services in the public cloud despite their reputation for being easy to use. Service providers have extensive knowledge of the public cloud market and an in-depth grasp of the vendors and how they function in AWS cloud management.

Independent CMS providers can help you make the best option for your organisation every time, whether you need general information on how to build and enhance your public cloud environment or specialised advice on which mission-critical workloads to move, in what sequence, and to which vendor.