A Brief Guide to Digital Marketing for Newbies

web designing training in Zirakpur

Digital marketing is not a new concept anymore. Rather, it has gained popularity and its way into mainstream marketing. Therefore, it would be a good thing if you know what digital marketing is. We hope this article helps in clearing some basic questions about digital marketing.

Just in case you feel interested to know more, you can join a digital marketing training in Zirakpur. With the quest to learn more, let’s roll further. Keep reading.

What is Digital Marketing?

Depicting from the word itself, digital marketing uses online/digital channels in the promotion of sales/services/products. Everything is done through different digital channels.

Running campaigns is one of the crucial aspects of digital marketing. Hence, you learn how to present your business such that more people buy what you are selling.

Digital marketing further revolves around different social media platforms to harness the right audience and convert them into potential clients.

Digital Marketing vs Conventional Marketing

Let us have a look at how digital marketing is different from conventional marketing. It might offer you a brief insight into how marketing changed over the years.


Digital marketing is cheaper than conventional marketing tactics. There are huge billboards to fill. Rather, everything happens on a small screen. So, it saves transportation, finding locations for ad placement, and much more.

Hence, you save time and money along with manpower while doing digital marketing. In digital marketing, you have the liberty to adjust budget as per your convenience.


Conventional marketing had its days. However, the time is for digital marketing. You have the liberty to reach across the nations without leaving your house/office.

Hence, global reach is only possible with digital marketing. Conventional marketing was limited to one locality or one city (if budget allowed).


It was nearly impossible to keep track of how many people reached out to you, how many saw your ads, and much more. However, in digital marketing, everything is in your palm.

You even get to know how many people saw your ad and did not click on the link. Hence, you always get accurate data.


The only aim of marketing is to get more sales and revenue. However, tracking results in conventional marketing was a hassle.

In digital marketing, you can generate a personalized list of people coming in from different sources. Hence, everything goes by smoothly.

With so many positive outlooks of digital marketing, you must join job oriented training in digital marketing to learn from experienced trainers.

Different Forms of Digital Marketing

Let us now give you a little briefing about different types of digital marketing.


Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is done on a search engine like Google or Bing. Keywords are targeted that show ads relevant to that keyword when a user searches.


Social Media Marketing takes different social media platforms into consideration. You post different content on each platform, make a landing page, and run ads.

Email Marketing

One of the most effective and personalized marketing strategies is email marketing. It gives you direct contact with the user. Hence, the chance of conversion increases more.


Pay Per Click is a form of digital marketing in which you have to pay the search engine every time a person clicks on the ad/keyword placed by you. In return, the search engine displays your ads on top.

Mobile Marketing

To have more audience, mobile marketing targets users of a certain age group who are constantly active on their mobile phones. It uses different forms of digital marketing techniques to have the best results.


In digital marketing, visuals play a major role. You can use an image, video, or GIF file to promote your business. However, you need to be careful that the content posted is of the highest quality. It would be better if you hire a designer once you reach a certain level of marketing. In that case, you can even enroll in web designing training in Zirakpur to learn and practice under expert guidance.

You must have patience when you do digital marketing. Some products could be hit while others might take longer to get out of your warehouse. In every case, you need to stay positive, work hard, check results, and change your strategies accordingly to have the best results.