How to attempt the ESE test series while preparing for the exam


ESE exam is one of the sought-after career options for all engineer graduates. Thousands and lakhs of candidates apply for this exam to get a secure government job. This decreases the chances of clearing the exam easily. As the competition gets high, it increases the need to prepare well for the exam. This exam is held in three stages in which the paper I in stage I is common for all the engineering categories. The rest of the exam subjects differ, so the candidates have to carefully see the subjects or topics online. Although everything is clear available on the UPSC online portal, so nothing to worry about.

ESE Test Series: Why Attempting ESE Online Test Series is Important

Now the main question that arises here is how to start with the study plan. The simple method to ace ESE exam is to focus on each and every topic and make a flexible timetable. Try to stick to it and do make some changes if it is pressurizing you. Focus on your weak points. Once you are done, then comes the revision part. Here the only thing you can do is to solve the test series available online. Many candidates are aware of all the topics and concepts but lack time management. With the help of the test series, the candidates will be able to increase their speed. This will act as a great revision and also, they will come to know about the exam pattern. This will help in increasing their confidence while attempting the exam. Test series are a great way to know how much you know and how much you need to do more.

How to Attempt ESE Test Series

If you are thinking to attempt the ESE test series, keep the following points in your mind:

  • Right time- The right time to attempt these test series are exactly two months after your preparation. Solving test series will only be beneficial when you will be fully prepared. This will act as a revision and will evaluate your preparation. So focus on the topics first and when you feel you are done with it, switch on the test series.
  • Don’t use a scientific calculator- Attempt the test series just like you are giving your finals. Do not use your scientific calculator as this will help you to increase your calculating speed which will help you in your main exam. Also, you will get to know that whether you are able to complete the exam in time without a calculator or not.
  • Focus on your mistakes- Attempting one mistake more than once should not be ignored. While solving the test series, note down your mistakes and focus on those topics again. This will rectify your problems and will eliminate the chances of those mistakes again.
  • Avoid guessing- Instead of guessing, focus on the logic of smart guess. The smart guess here means to invest some time in understanding the question and break it down into parts. Instead of going for blind guessing, this might help you.

So above are some points you should always consider while solving the ESE test series.