Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan 2023 Benefits Features Details Reviews


  • Limit the amount of taxable income to Rs. The Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan is a non-participating, non-linked plan that provides policyholders with excellent returns, and it offers convenient payment options such as annual, half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly premium payments.
  • Plans that offer pure protection, retirement planning, and investment options allow policyholders to do more.

It is a great policy that offers a regular, guaranteed income after you, as the policyholder, have paid all of the premiums over the term of the policy. It was designed to give people flexibility and financial security. This policy is notable for the following:

  • Policyholders will receive 10% of the total sum that is assured to the policyholder for a period of nine years.
  • Maturity benefit is paid to the policyholder at maturity.
  • A minimum premium is paid for a short period of time while they reap the benefits of savings and life insurance.

Who is eligible for the Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan?

To take advantage of the Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan, a person must meet the following requirements:

Parameters Details
Minimum Age of Entry 18 years
Maximum Age of Entry
  • 50 years for a plan term of 15/17/20 years
  • 48 years for a plan term of 22 years
Policy Term
  • 15 years
  • 17 years
  • 20 years
  • 22 years

What you get and how much it costs in the Sum Assured and Premium Range

Sum Assured

The premiums you will have to pay in order to take advantage of the policy’s benefits are the sole factor that determine the assured sum. The following is the guaranteed amount for the Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan:

Parameters Details
Minimum Sum Assured Rs.58,215
Maximum Sum Assured No limit


In order for an individual to take advantage of the Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan’s benefits and coverage, premiums are paid to the insurer. The Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan premiums that a policyholder must pay are as follows:

Parameters Details
Premium Payment Term
  • 5 years for 15 year policy term
  • 7 year for 17 year policy term
  • 10 years for 20 year policy term
  • 12 years for a 22 year policy term
Minimum Annualised Premium
  • 5 or 7 year premium paying term: Rs.18,000
  • 10 or 12 year premium paying term: Rs.24,000
Maximum Annualised Premium No Maximum Limit
Premium Payment Frequency
  • Monthly Premium: 8.83% of annual premiums paid
  • Quarterly Premium: 26.5% of annual premiums paid
  • Half-Yearly Premium: 52% of annual premiums paid

Any of the following methods can be used to pay for the Future Generali Money Back Plan:

  • Through the use of debit or credit cards,
  • the ECS/Direct Debit/Salary Deduction Scheme,
  • in cash at the insurer’s branch office,
  • using payment gateways or internet banking

The Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan’s scope of coverage

There are a number of advantages to Future Generali Life Insurance’s Assured Money Back , which are listed in the table below:

At the time of the life insured’s death, the higher of the following is offered as a death benefit:

  • Ten times the annualized premium, minus any additional premiums paid and taxes,
  • 105 percent of the total premiums paid as of the date of death 110 percent of the total amount that is guaranteed
Parameters Details
Maturity Benefit At the time of maturity, 110% of sum assured
Death Benefit
Survival Benefit 10% of the Sum Assured is paid at the end of every year for a period of 9 years

Exclusions What the Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan covers

The life insurance policy will be null and void if the insured person takes their own life within a year of the policy’s inception. Assuming the policyholder ends it all in something like a year from the date of recovery, the strategy will become void and the higher worth between Give up Worth and 80% of the expenses that were paid would be payable to the nominee.

Other Key Features

Parameters Details
Free Look Period After deducting any costs incurred by the insurer, such as medical bills and stamp duty, the company will return the Fund Value.
Grace Period If the policyholder has chosen to pay their premiums quarterly, semiannually, or annually, they have a 30-day grace period. For monthly premiums, 15 days are provided.
Surrender Value A policyholder can get cash right away if they give up their policy. After two full years of premium payments, you can use this option.
Flexibility After providing a valid justification, the policyholder is allowed to alter the method of payment for the policy.
Loan Facility The policyholder can get loans for anywhere from Rs. 10,000 to 85% of the surrender value.
Revival Within two years of the date of the first unpaid premium, the policyholder must revive the policy in accordance with the Revival Conditions.
Special Surrender Value Based on data from the past, the insurance company anticipates any future demographic and financial conditions.
Nomination In accordance with the current tax laws, nominations are permitted under Section 39 of the Insurance Act of 1938.
Assignment According to Section 38 of the Insurance Act of 1938, assignment is permissible in accordance with the current tax laws.
Guaranteed Surrender Value The Guaranteed Surrender Value will be the difference between the total premium paid and the sum of all survival benefits the policyholder has already received.

Under the current Income Tax Act’s Sections 80C, 8CCC (1), 80D, and 10.10D, premiums for a Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan will be eligible for tax benefits. Because tax benefits can change without warning, it’s important for the policyholder to talk to a Tax Advisor to stay up to date on any changes.

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Why you should buy Future Generali Life Insurance’s Assured Money Back Plan

Generali, Industrial Investment Trust Ltd., and Future Group formed a joint venture to create Future Generali. Since its inception in 2006, Generali has maintained its reputation for providing high-quality goods and services. The Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan has a number of benefits that anyone can easily take advantage of. Additionally, you can contact the customer service center with any questions or concerns.

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